Romans 10:1

ROMANS CHAPTER 10 ROMANS 10:1 Paul's prayer for Israel, who were misled by blind zeal. ROMANS 10:4 The difference between justification by the law and by faith explained from Scripture. ROMANS 10:11 Salvation open to all that believe, both Jews and Gentiles. ROMANS 10:14 The necessity of preaching t... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 10:2

FOR I BEAR THEM RECORD, i.e. I must testify this of them, or of many of them, THAT THEY HAVE A ZEAL OF GOD; that they have a fervent desire to maintain the law of God, with all the Mosaical rites and ceremonies, as thinking thereby to promote the glory of God. BUT NOT ACCORDING TO KNOWLEDGE; i.e. tr... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 10:3

THEY BEING IGNORANT OF GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS: here he shows more particularly what knowledge the Jews wanted. They knew not _the righteousness of God; _ of which see ROMANS 1:17, with the notes there. This was abundantly _manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets,_ ROMANS 3:21; and a thi... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 10:4

He proves that the Jews were ignorant of the righteousness of God, because they were ignorant of Christ, the true END OF THE LAW. _Christ is the end of the law:_ q. d. The law was given for this end, that sinners being thereby brought to the knowledge of their sins, and their lost and damned estate,... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 10:5

In this and the following verses, he shows the great difference that is between the righteousness of the law and the righteousness of faith; and this difference is taught us in the books of Moses himself. As for the righteousness of the law, that is plainly described by Moses, LEVITICUS 18:5; and it... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 10:6

THE RIGHTEOUSNESS WHICH IS OF FAITH SPEAKETH ON THIS WISE: by a prosopopoeia (a frequent figure in Scripture) he puts the person of a reasonable creature upon the righteousness of faith, and bringeth it in speaking and declaring itself as followeth; or else the meaning is, that the Scripture, or Mos... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 10:7

WHO SHALL DESCEND INTO THE DEEP? By _the deep, _ here, understand hell: see LUKE 8:31 REVELATION 9:1, REVELATION 20:1,3. q. d. Do not inquire distrustfully, and despairingly, whether thou shalt go to hell, or who shall go thither, to see, and bring thee word, if such as thou are there. THAT IS, TO B... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 10:8

BUT WHAT SAITH IT? i.e. what saith the text in DEUTERONOMY 30:14 ? or what saith the righteousness of faith? What is its style and language? In the ROMANS 10:6,7 he did but tell us what it said not, but here he tells us what it saith. THE WORD IS NIGH THEE; i.e. the matter required of thee, in order... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 10:9

q.d. There are but these two things, which the gospel principally requires in order to our salvation: the one is, the confession of Christ with our mouths, and that in spite of all persecution and danger, to own him for our Lord, and for our Jesus; and to declare, that we are and will be ruled and s... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 10:10

WITH THE HEART MAN BELIEVETH; in the former verse confession was set first; in this, believing. Faith indeed goes before confession; _I believed, _ says the psalmist, and the apostle after him, _therefore have I spoken; _ yet our faith is discerned and known by our confession. UNTO RIGHTEOUSNESS; i.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 10:11

The saving effect of faith and confession, spoken of immediately before, is here proved by Scripture. Either he refers to ISAIAH 28:16, or PSALMS 25:3; or else he means, that this is the general doctrine of the Scripture. See notes on ROMANS 9:33.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 10:12

FOR THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE JEW AND THE GREEK: he gives a reason for that universal term, _whosoever, _ which he had added in the precedent verse, and is not found in Isaiah, as was noted before, in ROMANS 9:33. THE SAME LORD OVER ALL; these words are a reason why there is no difference n... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 10:13

That _the Lord is rich unto all that call upon him, _ is confirmed here by a testimony out of JOEL 2:32, which is also cited by St. Peter, ACTS 2:21. The apostle's argument may be thus formed: If whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved, then the Lord is rich to all that call upon him;... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 10:14

The connexion of this verse and the following verses of this chapter is very obscure. Some connect these words with ROMANS 10:12. There he said: _There is no difference between Jew and Greek, _ & c. And this he proves, because the means to attain salvation by the true invocation of God hath been mad... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 10:15

HOW SHALL THEY PREACH, EXCEPT THEY BE SENT? viz. immediately, by God or Christ, as the prophets and the apostles: see GALATIANS 1:1. Or mediately, by men; i.e. by such as have authority from Christ to separate and ordain others to this work. Without this orderly mission, or ordination, how can they... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 10:16

BUT THEY HAVE NOT ALL OBEYED THE GOSPEL: he here preventeth a cavil of the Jews. Thus they might reason: If the apostles and preachers of the gospel are sent with so great authority from God, and bring such a welcome message, how comes it to pass that so few receive it, and yield obedience thereunto... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 10:17

This is the conclusion of the former gradation, ROMANS 10:14. He speaketh here of the ordinary means whereby faith is wrought; not confining or limiting the Spirit of God, who worketh, or may work, by extraordinary means, yea, without any means at all. SEE POOLE ON "ROMANS 10:14". BY THE WORD OF GOD... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 10:18

He answers an objection, that some one might make in behalf of the Jews, to excuse them; that they could not believe, because they had not heard; and faith, as in the foregoing verse, comes by hearing. To this he answers, that the gospel was published to the whole world; therefore the Jews must need... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 10:19

Here he proves by three testimonies out of the Old Testament, that the Jews must needs have heard the sound of the gospel, together with the Gentiles; only they rejected it, when the other embraced it. And so he layeth the ground of what he was purposed to handle in the following chapter, concerning... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 10:20

ESAIAS IS VERY BOLD; i.e. he speaks more boldly concerning the calling of the Gentiles, and the casting off the Jews. He used a holy freedom, though it cost him dear; Jerome saith, he was sawn asunder with a wooden saw. This is a commendable property in a preacher: see ACTS 4:13, ACTS 28:31. AND SAI... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 10:21

BUT TO ISRAEL HE SAITH; viz. in ISAIAH 65:2. In the former verse there is a consolatory prophecy, foretelling the vocation of ignorant and profane Gentiles; and in this, there is a menacing prophecy, threatening the rejecting of the rebellious and stubborn Jews. ALL DAY LONG; from the time of their... [ Continue Reading ]

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