Isaiah 52:7. How beautiful upon the mountains, &c.

Whatever reference this passage might have to the deliverance of the people of God from the Chaldean bondage, it refers also and chiefly to the great and glorious Gospel of Christ (Romans 10:13). It is in this application of it that it is now interesting and important.


1. The Gospel is represented as “good tidings.” This is literally the meaning of the word gospel. These good tidings centre in one glorious fact—the provision of a Saviour for a guilty world. Everything else is based on this fact. Everything connected with the gift of the Saviour forms matter for joy: the supreme dignity of His person, the completeness of His work, the glory of His doctrine, the efficacy of His death, and the exhaustless fulness of His blessings.
2. It publishes peace. Man united with the fallen apostate spirits in rebellion against God, &c.
3. It brings tidings of good. Not only is God at peace with the sinner, but He waits to bless him with all good. There is
(1.) acceptance into God’s favour.
(2.) Divine adoption.
(3.) The influences of the Spirit to illume, convince, guide, solace, meeten for heaven.
(4.) The precious promises of the new covenant.
4. The Gospel publishes salvation. A salvation meeting the needs of the sinner.

5. The Gospel declares the reign of Jesus (Psalms 2:6, &c.)


1. The messengers appointed to declare it. Jesus Himself went forth preaching the good tidings of His kingdom. Now the messengers are men, not angels. Men who have been called and qualified—sent of God. Men who have known and felt the power of the truths themselves.
2. The publication of this Gospel is to be free and extensive. They are to go forth prominently; to ascend the mountain tops, and there, before God, and angels, and men, they are to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ. The message of grace is to be published throughout the world, and to every creature.
3. The publication of the Gospel is to be a source of joy and delight to perishing souls. By some it will be ridiculed. By others spurned. By others coolly and indifferently heard. But to thousands it shall be spirit and life, solace and bliss.


1. The subject should excite admiration and praise. The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. But here is matchless love—unparalleled grace.

2. Have we experienced the saving power of the Gospel? Is it our boast, and joy, and ?Song of Song of Solomon 3. The infatuation of the rejectors of the good news (Hebrews 2:3; 1 Peter 4:17).

4. The duty of the Church to diffuse the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Its prayers, energies, and means, should all bear to this one great end, &c.—The New Pulpit Assistant, pp. 318–322.

I. The varied characteristics of the “good tidings” of Christianity—they are peace, salvation, the reign of God.
II. The great function of the minister of the Gospel—is to bring these good tidings. III. The character in which he appears—“How beautiful,” &c.; i.e., how welcome they should be to us!—John Cumming, D.D.: Occasional Discourses, vol. i. p. 336.

(Ordination Sermon.)

Isaiah 52:7. How beautiful upon the mountains, &c.

This exclamation would strike those who first read it more impressively than it strikes us. They would see the runner coming over the distant hills, bearing welcome news. They would hear the loud cry from the watchmen on the walls. They would see the people crowd to the gate to hear. The primary reference of the text is to the news of the restoration of the Jews to Jerusalem, and of the restoration of the ruined city. But there is a secondary reference to gospel times. It is thus applied by the apostle (Romans 10:15). We may thus apply it.

I. The ministry of the Gospel exists for the announcement of valuable intelligence. It brings good tidings. It is not a ministration of condemnation, but of salvation (2 Corinthians 3) It tells such things as these,

1. That satisfaction has been made for human sin. Man is sinful, guilty. The Lord Jesus Christ, by His death on the cross, has atoned for sin. Thus, in announcing this, the ministry of the gospel is “the ministry of reconciliation.”

2. That on the ground of that atonement salvation may be obtained by all that desire it. The dark angel of sin and sorrow has not left the world. But there is pardon for the sinner, holiness for the depraved, comfort for the distressed, which will develop into heaven at last. It may be obtained by faith in Christ. The time when the gospel is preached is the tide of opportunity.

3. That thus the Divine dominion over man is re-asserted and re-established. “Thy God reigneth.” He reigns through the bestowment of salvation. Jesus has been exalted to reign in His people’s hearts, in the Church, in the world.

II. The ministry of the Gospel is a great and important office. The bearer of this intelligence, primarily referred to in our text, acquired importance both from his mission and his qualifications. He would require speed, interest in the message, fidelity. Thus the ministry is important. Remember,

1. The end at which it aims. The message, the sermon, is not the end but the means. It aims at the salvation of souls. Nothing less will content the true preacher than conversion, spiritual growth.

2. The means which it employs. The message itself. Attract attention to it by legitimate, not fantastic means. While the message cannot be changed, let it be presented in varied forms, to the young, to the aged, in public, in private.

3. The qualifications which it demands. Intelligent acquaintance with the message; a living personal interest in it; thoughtful carefulness as to the methods by which it may be made most interesting and acceptable; diligent and sedulous use of opportunities; earnest sympathy with Christ and immortal souls.

III. The ministry of the Gospel should be regarded with suitable respect and honour. The office, because of its nature; the man, on the supposition that he deserves it. The office cannot entitle the man to respect if he is not worthy of it. Qualification is the only title to office, and the only claim to respect in it. This being supposed, the prominent idea of the text is the man. This honour will comprise,

1. Welcome. The Galatians welcomed Paul. Jesus said, “Blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear.” Welcome the ministry of the word by regular and constant attendance; by candid and respectful hearing, as distinguished from indifference, and from unkindly criticism; and by a kindly reception at the home.

2. Love. Cherish affection to the minister for his work’s sake. Let him see it in the manner which reveals and perpetuates kindness. Sometimes commend his work.

3. Maintenance (1 Corinthians 9; Galatians 6:6). Now what is maintenance? It is determined largely by position in society. If there is narrow-mindedness in relation to the minister’s means of obtaining books, and unholding his influence in the locality where his lot is cast, the church suffers.

4. Co-operation. The primitive churches were active in many ministries. Every member of the church should do something for Christ. The work of extending the gospel is not the minister’s business exclusively. The church should be a centre from which every one is working.

5. Prayer. This was the apostle’s request (Ephesians 6:19; 2 Thessalonians 3:1).The work of the ministry is spiritual, and it requires spiritual influences. It needs the power of the Holy Ghost. Do you pray for it by praying for Him?

What is the practical effect of the preacher’s work in those that receive the truth? Is it not that you bring forth fruits of holiness? See that such fruit is borne. Then you will in your turn proclaim the gospel to others, if not in words, by the influence of your lives (H. E. I. 2622, 2623).
But have you received the truth which has been heralded to you? Some of you are, perhaps, not yet saved. The preacher seeks your salvation. Oh, let this be his joy; not for his sake but for your own. Life is passing on. And the gospel alone can save.—J. Rawlinson.

I. A representation of a true minister of Christ. A messenger.

1. He receives his commission from God.
2. He is intrusted by Him.
3. He is qualified for his particular work.

II. The subject of his message. “Good tidings.”

1. Peace.
2. Salvation from spiritual evil, and an introduction to spiritual good.
3. Dominion of Christ. He reigns in His providential and mediatorial kingdom.

III. The dispositions with which he is received.

1. With joy.
2. With admiration.


1. Gratitude for the gospel.
2. Attention to its tidings.
3. Obedience to its precepts.—J. Hordle.

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