2 Kings 2:15

The lessons which may be derived from the story of the departure of Elijah and the succession of Elisha are twofold, and quite distinct from each other.

I. Elijah's translation is intended to be a representation of a good man's death in its noblest aspect. In all the various forms in which the inevitable day of death may come upon us what we should most wish for would be that our death, like Elijah's, should seem to those we leave behind but as the completion of that which they have already known. Elijah had seemed in life a firmer defence and guard to his country than all the chariots and horsemen that were ever pouring in upon them from the surrounding tribes, and so he seemed when he passed away lost in the flames of a fiery chariot and the fiery horsemen.

II. Notice the succession of gifts by which in different ages of the world the purposes of Providence are carried on. The lesson is forced upon us by the problem of the extreme diversity of the forms and genius of philanthropy which exist in each succeeding generation. The mantle of Elijah descended on Elisha, who was himself altogether different in aspect, in character, in life, from his mighty predecessor. His life was not spent in unavailing struggles, but in wide successes. He was sought out, not as the enemy, but as the friend, of kings. His works of mercy were known far and wide, and after his death his sepulchre was well known, and wonders were wrought at it, continuing the beneficence of his long and gentle life. From his history we see the variety and, at the same time, the continuous succession of the Divine gifts to the world.

A. P. Stanley, Christian World Pulpit,vol. xvi., p. 177.

References: 2 Kings 2:15. D. J. Vaughan, The Days of the Son of Man, p.270; A. Scott, Christian World Pulpit,vol. xvi., p. 156. ii. 18. I. Williams, Characters of the Old Testament,p. 234. 2 Kings 2:18. A. Edersheim, Elisha the Prophet,p. 41; T. T. Carter, Sermons,p. 343. 2 Kings 2:19. J. M. Neale, Sermons for the Church Year,vol. i., p. 233.

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