Genesis 45:3

Genesis 45:3 The difficulties of Joseph's history begin with his elevation. At the time of the famine there is much to wonder at in Joseph's conduct to his brethren. Why did he so long and by such strange artifices delay the disclosure which an affectionate heart must have been yearning to make? Wh... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 45:4

Genesis 45:4 It was by a strange and seemingly circuitous route that these brethren of Joseph were brought near to him. Between Joseph and his brethren there was an immeasurable distance all the difference between a nature given over to God and one abandoned to the force of evil passion. We may see... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 45:5

Genesis 45:5 Joseph looks away from and thrusts aside the wickedness of his brothers, and refers all to the over-ruling providence of God, bringing good out of evil, and making all things work together for good, to the family of His chosen servants, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. In time of bereavement... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 45:7,8

Genesis 45:7 I. "God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth." Joseph referred the whole order and purpose of his existence, all that had been adverse to it, all that had been prosperous in it, to God. He knew that violence and disorder had been at work in his life. What temptat... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 45:8

Genesis 45:5 , GENESIS 45:8 The words of Joseph in the text contrast somewhat strangely with the words spoken by his brethren of themselves. It is clear that the view he took of their conduct was the one most likely to give them ease. He assured them that after all they were but instruments in God'... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 45:14

Genesis 45:14 This incident is the most unquestionable instance in the Bible of tears of love. No other feeling but love made Joseph weep. Sorrow there could not have been, for at that moment, on his side at least, it was all joy. Job says, as the great purpose of all that God did with him, "God ma... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 45:15

Genesis 45:15 I. We cannot read the history of Joseph without feeling that a greater than Joseph is here; a Son, the well-beloved of His Father, against whom His own flesh and blood conspired to take away His life, but who from His prison came forth to reign, who is exalted at the right hand of God... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 45:27

Genesis 45:27 We see here how probabilities are the handmaids and the helpers of faith. Slight tokens become the aliment, the very food, on which action feeds, strengthens, nurtures itself, and goes forth to fulfil the work marked out by Providence for the life. I. Jacob's heart fainted; but old m... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 45:28

Genesis 45:28 Joseph is a type or figure of the Lord Jesus Christ. I. Joseph, in his younger days, was distinguished from his brethren by a purity of life which became the more observable in contrast with their dissolute manners, and caused an evil report to be sent to their father. His brethren s... [ Continue Reading ]

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