Proverbs 2:2

I. Solomon's meaning is, that we are to begin life by fearing God, without understanding it; as a child obeys his parents without understanding the meaning of their commands. If we do not always know the reason at first, we shall know it in due time, and get, so Solomon says, to understandthe fear of the Lord. In due time we shall see from experience that we are in the path of life.

II. This is the secret of life to believe that God is your Father, schooling and training you from your cradle to your grave; and then to please Him and obey Him in all things, lifting up daily your hands and thankful heart, entreating Him to purge the eyes of your soul, and give you the true wisdom, which is to see all things as they really are, and as God Himself sees them. If you do that, you may believe that God will teach you more and more how to do, in all the affairs of life, that which is right in His sight, and, therefore, good for you. He will reward you by making you more and more partakers of His Holy Spirit and of truth, by which, seeing everything as it really is, you will at last if not in this life, still in the life to come grow to see God Himself, who has made all things according to His own eternal mind, that they may be a pattern of His unspeakable glory; and beyond that, who needs to see? For to know God and to see God is eternal life itself.

C. Kingsley, The Good News of God,p. 204

References: Proverbs 2:4. Clergyman's Magazine,vol. i., p. 224.Proverbs 2:4; Proverbs 2:5. W. Arnot, Laws from Heaven,1st series, p. 88.

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