‘Lord, remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom.’

Luke 23:42

At last Christ is recognised. The secret is out. The mystery is solved. He was a King; and yet what a strange moment to make the discovery! No one but the poor thief on the cross could see it.

I. Not Pilate, the clever man of the world, the man of position, in authority, of social rank, skilled and cultivated, not without thoughtfulness, sceptical rather whether there be any solid truth, and yet capable of recognising moral and spiritual character when he saw it.

II. Religious leaders could not see it.—They were angry that even the self-mocking title of the cross should stand over His dying head to suggest such a wild impossibility.

III. His own disciples could not see it now.—They had lost touch. Once they had asked to sit at His right hand, but now all had forsaken their King.

IV. One poor criminal robber saw what no one else could see.—He, and he alone, at the very hour which hid the royalty from the eyes of those nearest and dearest.

Always it is happening. The thieves and the robbers and the harlots and the great sinners see deeper into the mysteries of the cross than we do.

—Rev. Canon Scott Holland.

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