Psalms 35:1. Fight against them. This is another martial ode, or war song, in which David prays for victory over the army of Saul that came to fight against him, and for confusion to those about the king who daily slandered him. Thus we also pray against enemies.


The argument to this psalm, as in Psalms 26., is an invocation to God against the injustice of Saul and his court, who long pursued David with the sword. Under slander and implicated wrongs he appeals to that bar where innocence will be placed in its own light, and rise more brilliantly for the imputations of wicked men.

But in case a battle could not be avoided, he asks divine aid for his little army, who through the inspiration of God, would fight for David as lions for the victory. He had confidence that the victory was not always obtained by the many and the strong.

The false witnesses that opened their mouth against David, were the men for whom he had wept, and for whom, when sick or wounded, he had put on sackcloth. Now they requite him by laying treasons to his charge that he knew not of. Oh this heart, this base heart, which dwells in man! Yea, and in illustrious men at the foot of the throne, who while David was in favour were his first religious friends. Psalms 42:4. Where can we find a parallel, but among those priests and princes who crucified the Saviour, and said, that he had made himself a king!

Tantæne animis cœlestibus iræ?

ÆNEID, 1:11.

“In heavenly minds can such resentments dwell.”

This wickedness the Lord hath seen, Psalms 35:22; these speeches the Lord hath heard. Then be consoled, those who suffer in a righteous cause: the Lord who heard and delivered David, will hear and deliver you. Be comforted, you shall yet give thanks to him in the great congregation. Shame awaits the wicked, while all that favour the cause of the righteous shall shout for joy.

The title of this psalm is inscribed to David, the servant of the Lord; a title first given to Moses. Deuteronomy 34. David in prayer, twice uses this appellation, oh Lord, truly I am thy servant, and the son of thy handmaid. Psalms 116:16; Psalms 80:16.

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