Then the soldiers, as it was commanded them, took Paul.

Paul’s last departure from Jerusalem

1. The mournful departure of a witness of the truth, whose message of salvation his blinded people have rejected.

2. The glorious triumphant march of a servant of God, whom the Lord leads victoriously through the midst of enemies.

3. The solemn homeward journey of a warrior of Christ, who goes to meet his last fight, his last victory, his eternal reward. (K. Gerok.)

The protection and honour of Christ’s people

A bodyguard of nearly five hundred men accompanied the apostle; he had never before journeyed with so strong an escort and so great a following. He was certainly indebted for so much respect primarily to his Roman privileges. But still it was a matter of fact that so strong a force was demanded for the security of his person. Christ not only protects His people, but also honours them. And the honour which is often unintentionally conferred on a child of God reflects back upon Him by whose grace a converted sinner is what he is. (G. V. Lechler, D. D.)

An historical parallel

Who will not in Paul, with his military escort, be reminded of Luther, his brother in spirit, successor in office, and companion in fortune, when he was conveyed by armed knights, and brought in safety to Wartzburg. (K. Gerok.).

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