Thou shalt drink of thy sister’s cup.

The cup of wrath

I. the symbol suggested.

1. The “cup” is sometimes the emblem of joy and gladness (Psalms 23:5); but here of indignation and wrath, in allusion probably to a very ancient method of punishing criminals--a poisoned cup.

2. The cup is sometimes afflictive dispensations (Psalms 73:10); and though the Lord’s people are made to drink deeply of it, yet the dregs only are reserved for the wicked (Psalms 75:8).

3. The cup is significant of future and eternal misery, hence called “the cup of wrath” (Revelation 16:19). The wrath of God and of the Lamb is put into it; the cup has been filling for many years; it will never be emptied. It is also called “the cup of fury,” as containing the inexpressible fierceness of Divine indignation (Jeremiah 25:15).

II. The description afforded--“Much.”

1. It contains all the sins that we have ever committed, and these, if not now repented of, will fill us with ceaseless remorse.

2. It contains all the curses of that law which we have violated.

3. It is the everlasting vengeance of God. A lost estate, lost liberty, or lost friends may be regained; but the loss of the soul is irreparable. (Homilist.).

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