Also the sons of the stranger

Gentiles enjoying God’s favour

This is a clear prophecy of the call of the Gentiles into the Church of Christ.

Let us attend to this description of those who are objects of the Divine favour, and entitled to the privileges of His house.

1. They join themselves to the Lord. This supposes a former distance and alienation from Him. But that is removed by humble repentance and returning to the Lord. It includes, renouncing all their idols; forsaking all their sin, everything contrary to the nature and will of God: a deliberate choice of Him, as their portion and felicity; and of His people, as their friends and associates.

2. The design of their thus joining themselves unto the Lord is to serve Him. This is further expressed in the phrase, to be His servants; not only to serve Him occasionally, or for a while, but perpetually; to adhere to Him and His ways, from a deep conviction that nothing can be more reasonable, important, and advantageous than to hear what He saith, and to do it.

3. It is added, and to love the name of the Lord. They take delight in His service; they perform it not from fear and a servile dread, but from a sincere and strong affection. They love His name; that is, they love him, His worship and His ways, and pursue His work with delight. It is opposed to narrow; selfish, mercenary views, which render the service less acceptable and comfortable. They esteem it their meat and drink to do His will.

4. Another thing-expected from God’s people is, that they keep His Sabbath from polluting it. This is an essential character, a distinguishing mark, of good men.

5. God’s people take hold of His covenant. They enter into serious, deliberate, solemn engagements to observe and keep His laws, in order to obtain the blessings which He hath promised; and which, in so doing, they cheerfully expect. They take hold of it; which implies a hearty consent to God’s terms, a cheerful approbation and acceptance of them and delight in them. It likewise implies a steady resolution. They take hold of it, as those who are determined not to let it go. (J. Orton.)

The rewards of God’s servants

The text--


1. By the transfer of the priesthood from Aaron to Christ.

2. By the change of sacrifice. From the blood of bulls and of goats to the precious blood of the Son of God.

3. By the removal of place. From Jerusalem to the temple of the universe.

4. By a change of worship. From ritual to spiritual. What an encouraging prospect! (Ephesians 2:11.)

II. INCULCATES UNIVERSAL PIETY, Piety in heart and practice. The duties enumerated may be divided into three classes.

1. Those which relate to Christ, expressed by taking hold of His covenant--accepting--agreeing to it.

2. Those which relate to God as the Governor of the world.

(1) His servants.

(2) Walk by His laws.

(3) Keep His Sabbaths.

3. Those which relate to the Church.


1. Access to heaven. “I will bring them to My holy mountain.”

2. Joyfulness in His service. “I will make them joyful in My house of prayer.”

3. The Divine acceptance of their religious engagements. “Their burnt-offerings and sacrifices shall be accepted upon Mine altar.” (R. Watson.)

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