Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees.

The leaven of the Pharisees

Our Lord’s warning against false doctrine.

I. A suggestive figure of speech. “Leaven.”

(1) A suggestive figure of the power of influence, good or bad.

(a) Aggressive.

(b) Subtle in its aggressiveness.

(c) Unless resisted, all-conquering in its subtlety.

(2) Our Lord’s suggestive use of this figure.

(a) To represent the powerful influence of erroneous doctrine.

(b) To represent the danger to which His disciples were exposed from erroneous doctrines, notwithstanding their superior advantages, arising from the instructions He gave them.

II. A suggestive example of the exercise of bad influence.

(1) Its agency. Pharisees.

(a) The secret of their power.

1. Their ecclesiastical, social, and political position.

2. Their great pretensions to piety-in fasting and prayer.

(2) Its method. Doctrine.

(a) Public teaching a great power for good or evil.

(b) As the respect felt for the Pharisees enhanced their power, so our respect for either the genius or supposed sincerity of a public teacher enhances his power.

(3) An imperative duty in view of this fact. “Prove all things: hold fast that which is good.” (D. C. Hughes, M. A.)

The leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees

This caution was probably suggested by His late interview with the Pharisees and the Sadducees.

I. The doctrine of the Pharisees chiefly hinged upon two tenets.

1. Acceptance with God on the ground of legal performances.

2. The obligation of the tradition of the elders. These led to multiplied observances of a legal kind, pride and boasting, hypocrisy, laxity of morals.

II. The doctrines of the Sadducees, here called the leaven of Herod, were opposed to these. Notice only three, as having a practical influence. They denied-

1. The separate existence of the soul.

2. The resurrection of the dead.

3. The superintending providence of God.

These led to the removal of restraint to vicious indulgences. Sadduceeism characterized the generation which has disappeared. Phariseeism the present.

III. Their doctrines are compared to leaven.

1. They affect the whole character.

2. The whole mass of society. “Take heed,” etc. The one, sanctimoniousness; the other, licentiousness. (Expository Discourses.)

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