Save Jesus only.

Jesus only

I. When the workman is tempted to waste his employer’s substance, or the time which is his property, and says to himself, “There is nobody to see; nobody will know,” he would be checked if he remembered and realized that in absolute fact he owes his duty to no man, save to Jesus only, Jesus who for thirty years shared the workman’s lot, and put dignity forever upon honest handiwork.

II. But not alone for this world’s business and behaviour, and temperament, is this thought true: in the matter of the soul’s salvation blessed are they who see no man save Jesus only.

1. There is danger for the young in letting their religion be based on mere love or regard for a minister or a religious friend.

2. Others there are who allow their religion to be unduly influenced by particular places and circumstances.

3. In the days when we feel burdened with a sense of our sin, may we then look to no man, save to Jesus only.

4. In the hour of death you will have the one Friend to go with you, when all others must leave you. (Canon Erskine Clarke.)

Jesus only in death

When Bishop Beveredge was on his death bed, his memory so failed that he did not know even his nearest relative. His chaplain said, “Do you know me?” “Who are you?” was the answer. His own wife asked him, “Do you know me?” “Who are you?” was the only answer. On being told that it was his wife he said that he did not know her. Then one standing by said, “Do you know Jesus Christ?” “Jesus Christ,” he replied, reviving as if the name acted on him like a cordial, “yes, I have known Him these forty years: He is my only hope.” Brethren, when our time cometh to depart to the place of peace, may we in like manner see no man, save Jesus only. But if the presence of Jesus is to abide with us when flesh and heart and mind are failing, it must be cherished in the days of health and strength and vigour.

None missed if Jesus be present

Love brings to the Saviour a flaming heart; obedience comes on willing feet; patience bows down to receive its load: while faith stretches out an empty hand, to be filled with His free gifts. A faithful Sunday school teacher lay dying. The light of heaven was in his eye, and seraphic smiles played upon his thin lids, as he thought of his mighty Redeemer. Just before he sank away, he turned to his daughter, who was trying to anticipate his every wish by her loving care, and said, “Bring-.” More he could not say, for strength was too far gone. “What shall I bring, dear father?” asked the anxious child. “Bring-.” “Dear, precious father, do tell me what to bring!” The dying man rallied for a last effort, and feebly murmured-

“Bring forth the royal diadem,

And crown Him Lord of all!”

If, in the closing hour of life, the Saviour is as near to us, we cannot complain of the lack of other comforters. We shall be sure to awake at last to His likeness, and shall shine forth as the sun, in our Father’s kingdom. (J. H. Norton.)

Man’s abiding Friend

Whoever and whatever vanishes, Jesus remains with His disciples.

I. Though physical health departs, He abides. When heart and flesh fail, He is present to succour and strengthen the soul, and to bear it to one of the many mansions He has prepared.

II. Though worldly possessions disappear, He remains. Secular wealth, rightly used, is an incalculable blessing; it not only serves to relieve from all worldly anxieties, and minister to bodily comfort and intellectual enjoyment, but also gives us power to help our fellowmen both temporally and spiritually. But how often do riches take wings and fly away! But Christ is the true riches: He is of more value than untold gold; and nothing can deprive us of Him.

III. Though dearest friends depart, He abides. Good men are constantly losing from their social sphere those who have charmed them with their presence, and inspired them with their talk. When listening to them either in the sanctuary, the club, or on the domestic hearth, they have felt it good to be there. But one by one they vanish; the time comes when the best is gone, and all is social desolation; and like the disciples, they look around, and see no man any more, save Jesus only, with themselves. He is the abiding Friend, and having Him we have all. (D. Thomas, D. D.)

Jesus only with themselves

I. It was a symbolical intimation that when He that is perfect and eternal had come, all that was imperfect and preparatory should vanish away. And that this latter was the character both of the Law and the Prophets is obvious. Moses had Christ constantly in view, and the entire scheme of Levitical worship which he was inspired to draw up, looked forward to Him. So, too, the prophets in various ways predicted an age of surpassing glory, which should culminate at the Messiah’s coming.

II. Not only was all prophecy fulfilled in Christ, but the prophetic character also received its perfect development in Him. He not only announced, He was, the Word of God. The lesson of this mysterious scene was this: that Moses and Elias and Christ were three no longer, no more separated, but made one by God. Legislator and prophet both were summoned to the scene of the transfiguration, and both symbolically (by vanishing away, leaving Jesus only with the disciples) consigned their finished work into Christ’s hands, knowing that henceforth there was but one dispensation, one tabernacle, one gospel. (H. M. Luckock, D. D.)

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