Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me.

The King and His court

I. Who are these faithful men to whom Jesus, our King, will have respect at all times?

1. They are true in their dealings with God. How many a man has become a bankrupt by a lavish expenditure which exceeded his income! He said that he “must keep up appearances,” and he did keep up appearances till they became his ruin. God grant that you and I may never try to keep up appearances before Him! Be what you would seem to be; and in the presence of God never seem to be or dream of seeming to be what you are not. Thus I think we, first of all, know the faithful by their upright dealing with God.

2. This will lead them to be true in their dealings with men. That man is not faithful in God’s esteem who is not upright, honest, true to a hair’s breadth, in his dealings with his fellow-men. We must stand to our bond even though we lose by it. We must be true to the word we speak though it be to our own hurt.

3. Such people will, in the next place, always be true in their dealings with men on God’s behalf. I think this passage bears very pertinently upon the minister, and upon the Sunday-school teacher, and upon the Christian worker.

4. These faithful men are thorough in all that they do. The psalmist says, “He that walketh in a perfect way, he shall serve me.” May I be permitted to say, especially to you who are commencing the Christian life, that if you wish to live near to God, and to be greatly used of Him, it is important that you should begin as you mean to go on, by endeavouring to walk in a perfect way? Be you determined that, if others do as they please, you are not accountable for their action; but you will do what you believe to be right. If you are a Christian, go through with it; be a follower of Christ in every respect as far as the Word of God and your own conscience lead you.

II. What will the King do with them?

1. His eye of search will seek them out. There is a working-man who, the other day, in the midst of a swearing company, rebuked the blasphemer, and spoke up for Christ. That noble action is not recorded in the newspaper, and never will be; but God’s eye is upon the faithful of the land.

2. His eye of favour will cheer them. God greatly favours and blesses those whom by His grace He makes to be faithful.

3. They shall dwell with God. Oh, this is a choice privilege! When grace makes a man faithful, God rewards his faithfulness by permitting him to dwell in close communion with his Lord. It is a wonderful thing to me that, if we have any good works, God always works them in us, and then he rewards us for them as if they were our own. He gives us grace, and then smiles on us because of the grace that He Himself gives.

4. They shall be Christ’s servants. I do not know which is the greater privilege, “He shall dwell with me,” or, “He shall serve me.” Perhaps the second is the higher. Have you ever thought what an honour it is to be permitted to do anything for God? For God to bless us, is great condescension on His part; but for Him to permit us to be of any use to Him, this is a wonderful honour from His right hand.

III. How may we get among these faithful ones?

1. Perhaps we can truly say, God helping us, we hope that we are among them. If so, “it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves.” If there be any faithfulness, if there be any uprightness, unto God be the glory of it all. Pray that you may never lose your faithfulness, but that you may be kept even unto the end.

2. But now I speak to others who are not as yet faithful. You say, “How are we to get among the faithful?”

(1) Well, I should say, first, so far as you may be, and so far as your light goes, be faithful to-night, be honest in confessing sin. Before you sleep, put yourself before God just as you are.

(2) Then, next, be anxious to have a new heart and a right spirit.

(3) Be sincere in all your dealings with the living God.

(4) Depend continually on the Lord Jesus and His Word to make and keep you faithful. (C. H. Spurgeon.)

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