I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes.

In the mind’s eye

On one occasion Sir Thomas Lawrence, the great painter, then President of the Royal Academy, visited the studio of a struggling young artist. He had noticed the young man’s work, and thought it had some promise; but when he saw the sketches tacked up on the walls of the bare little room, he shook his head. They were rough, clever examples of the Flemish school, striking but coarse. “If I were you,” said the great painter to the beginner, “I would not allow my eye to be familiarized with any but the highest forms of art. If you cannot afford to buy oil paintings, buy good engravings of great pictures. If you allow your eye to become familiar with what is vulgar in conception, however free and dashing the handling, and however excellent the feeling for colour, your taste will insensibly become depraved; whereas, if you habituate your eye to look only upon what is pure and grand, or refined and lovely, your taste will insensibly be elevated.” It was sound artistic advice, and the young painter profited by it. It remains, also, sound moral advice for all young people. Our mind’s eye needs training as much as our physical vision. If we hang pictures in the halls of our brain that are not elevating, our moral perceptions will become lowered. The best thoughts are within our reach. Why should we choose, instead, thoughts that are flippant, vulgar, or worse? Every time we put an undesirable picture in our mind’s eye, where it will be often in view, we deprave our own understanding. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” If we wish to elevate and strengthen our souls, we must be careful in our choice of habitual thoughts. “Whatsoever things are true,” etc. It is well-known advice--but can it be bettered? (Free Church Record.)

I hate the work of them that turn aside.

Turning aside

I. Describe their character. The phrase, “turn aside,” denotes three things--

1. That there exists a way, path, or road in which we have to go.

2. That we have been in that way.

3. That there has been an awful departure from it.

(1) Some turn aside cowardly (Numbers 21:4).

(2) Some turn aside incautiously (1 Samuel 12:23). Bunyan’s Pilgrim, with his companion Hopeful, wandered into the grounds of Giant Despair, and ultimately found themselves in the dungeons of Doubting Castle. He discovered a stile which led into a meadow, where was a footpath that seemed to run parallel with the high-road; into this path he went, thinking that it would prove easier for his feet. Let this illustrate what is meant to be conveyed by the term turning aside incautiously.

(3) Others turn aside courteously and complaisantly.

(4) Some turn aside through unwatchfulness (Matthew 26:41).

II. Illustrate their work.

1. An evil work (Jeremiah 2:19).

2. A disgraceful and dishonourable work (Proverbs 14:34). What a disgraceful reflection it is upon the wisdom and economy of a man who begins to build, and is not able to finish! (Luke 14:28). How scandalous to forsake God, and associate with the devil; to exchange Christ for Belial, light for darkness, truth for error, liberty for bondage, heaven for hell!

3. It is a diabolical work; because it displays more of the devil than any other engagement pertaining to earth. It is following the example which apostate fiends have set. What was their original transgression but turning aside?

4. It is a ruinous work (Hebrews 10:28).

III. Exhibit the abhorrence of the psalmist.

1. Our hatred of this work should be sincere.

2. It should be publicly professed. Though the Christian ought to avoid the very appearance of ostentation, there are times when silence or neutrality would be highly criminal.

3. It should be constantly and cordially cherished. Pray that you may increase in the love of God; for in proportion as you love God, you will hate evil. Meditate also on the tremendous consequences which will not fail to follow.

4. It should be practically exemplified. Do not forget how possible it is for those who now profess to detest the evil, by slow, and almost, imperceptible, degrees to become familiarized with it, and ultimately being led to practise that which now they hate. David fell into this snare. Also Peter. How frail is human nature! Exemplify your detestation of the evil in question, by attending to the injunction of the apostle (Philippians 3:16). Persevere in the good way. (R. Treffry.)

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