My reins also instruct me in the night seasons.

Man taking counsel of his reins

The ancients regarded the reins, or kidneys, located in a retired part of the body, as the seat of the moral and spiritual sentiments, especially of the intuitional convictions, in distinction from those which have been acquired from philosophy or the experience of others. To be instructed by one’s reins is therefore to give heed to the voice of the soul itself.

1. The soul articulates itself in conscience, which gives wiser counsel regarding duty than any “court of casuistry”; in the sense of God, which men cannot divest themselves of, as even Rousseau confesses, “Keep your life such as would lead you to desire that there should be a just God, and you will have no doubt of His existence;” in the vital instinct, which predicts immortality, etc. Infidelity would be impossible if men would take the counsel of their own “reins.” In the silent depths of the soul the echoes of God’s voice are always sounding.

2. We will hear these echoes best when all is quiet about us--the janglings of the busy day ceased. The soul expands towards the infinite when the narrow arena of earthly competitions disappears, as the stars show themselves when darkness has blotted out the scenes on earth.

3. The best interpreter of the counsel of the reins is the Word of God. It reveals us to ourselves. Of Jesus it was said that “He knew what was in man.” Francis Quarles (1644) represents God as saying--

I, that alone am Infinite, can try

How deep within itself thine heart doth lie;

Thy seaman’s plummet can but reach the ground--

I find that which thy heart itself ne’er found.”

(Homiletic Review.)

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