Great deliverance giveth He to the King.

Great deliverances

This is Christ’s resurrection Psalm. It is a Psalm of deliverance or salvation--the two words are the same. This deliverance is one of love, power, and righteousness. The whole history of the Bible from beginning to end pertains to what God calls deliverance. First of all, we have King David’s history, the history of deliverance. Secondly, we have in Israel’s history a history of deliverance. Thirdly, in Messiah’s history we have a history of deliverance. Fourthly, in the Church’s history we have a history of deliverance. And lastly, in the history of each individual man we have a history of deliverance. It is deliverance from first to last. (A. Bonar.).

Psalms 19:1

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