Come, behold the works of the Lord, what desolations He hath made in the earth,

The desolations of the Lord, the consolations of His saints

I. a declaration of what has happened. “Come, behold the works. .. desolations He hath made.” See them--

1. In the effects of wars, plagues, famines, revolutions, etc. But these are but the rough physic wherewith God will purge the diseased body of this earth from its innumerable ills.

2. In the overthrow of false worships. Idolatry, Rome, etc.

3. And false philosophies.

4. In the putting an end to war.

II. A prophecy to be fulfilled. It will be one day. Men ask, “Wherefore the delay?” and many say, “This is Divine sovereignty.” Take care we do not make Divine sovereignty a sepulchre for our sins. Now, in reference to the delay in missionary success, it is owing, in part, to want of unanimity; to false ideas about God doing His own work; to want of real love to missions. I do not think Edward Irving right, who in his great sermon on missions maintained that we ought to send out our missionaries without purse or scrip, penniless. We do not believe that. Therefore we must have help. But we need most a real revival at home. (C. H. Spurgeon.)

God alone exalted

I. The active agency of God.

1. In the multiplied disasters which abound. The various elements of nature, the raging hurricane, the thunders rolling along the sky, the lightnings flashing from cloud to cloud, the volcano vomiting rivers of fire, and the earthquake shaking kingdoms and levelling cities with the ground--all are His servants.

2. In the removal of the calamities by which we may be surrounded.

II. The exclusive sovereignty of God.

1. The duty urged. “Be still.”

2. The reason adduced. “Know”--

(1) That God’s supremacy is absolute.

(2) That His justice is unimpeachable.

(3) That His wisdom is unerring.

(4) That His goodness is unbounded.

3. The assurance given. “I will be exalted,” etc.

III. The gracious protection of God. “The Lord of hosts is with us,” etc.

1. The condition on which it is enjoyed. We must submit ourselves to the Lord and acknowledge His righteous claims before we can have Him on our side.

2. The blessedness it involves. “Happy is he,” etc.

3. The effects. It should banish every painful apprehension, and fill us with transporting joy. (Expository Outlines.)

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