My mouth shall show forth Thy righteousness and Thy salvation all the day; for I know not the numbers thereof.

An inexhaustible subject

This psalmist’s words may well be a pattern for old men, who need fear no failure of buoyancy, nor any collapse of gladness, if they will fix their thoughts where this singer did his. Other subjects of thought and speech will pall and run dry; but he whose theme is God’s righteousness and the salvation that flows from it will never lack materials for animating meditation and grateful praise. “I know not the numbers thereof.” It is something to have fast hold of an inexhaustible subject. It will keep an old man young. (A. Maclaren, D. D.)

Witnessing of God’s grace and salvation

We may wrongly hide our religion so that it evaporates. Too many professing Christians put away their religion as careless housewives might do some precious perfume, Had when they go to take it out, they find nothing but a rotten cork, a faint odour and an empty flask. Take care of burying your religion so deep as dogs do bones, that you cannot find it again, or, if you do, discover when you open the coffin that it holds only a handful of dry dust. (A. Maclaren, D. D.)

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