Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.

Christian dignity

The world has its great men; so has the Bible. Alongside the monarch, the Bible puts the man who rules his own spirit well; the warrior, one who fights the fight of faith; the artist, one who by loving deeds paints his own portrait on the canvas of the soul of the suffering.

I. This greatness is Real. Consider what God calls the good man--a saint, a son, a joint heir with Christ.

II. This greatness is conscious. God has spoken; I have heard. He has given; I have received. He visited the land I lived in, and did not pass my door. In His mighty lifeboat He touched at the shore where I stood, gave me a hail, and welcomed me on board!

III. This greatness is Derived. Once I had it not. The remembrance of this shall ever keep me humble. “Not unto us,” etc. But though I once possessed them not, now I do.

IV. This greatness is Increasing, David was an old man, yet he could say soberly and acceptably, “Thou shalt increase my greatness.”

1. In my personal enjoyment. Religion is not a surface thing. Infirmities shall lessen, virtues shall increase, Thy love shall be more precious, Thy presence more valued. “Thou wilt not forsake the work of Thine own hands.”

2. In the experience of the saints. David’s name is great to-day! And in every well-worn Bible may be seen the signs of his sympathy and power.

3. In the admiration of angels. What sympathizing, appreciating, ministering spectators are these! (Homilist.)

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