O Lord, how great are Thy works!

Man’s admiration and marvel at God’s great works

A near connection of Sir David Brewster, but not a relative, who in former years often lived in his house, and formed one of the loving watchers by his death-bed, gives this characteristic and striking anecdote: “When we were living in his house at St.

Andrew’s, he was much occupied with the microscope, and, as was his custom, he used to sit up studying it after the rest of the household had gone to bed. I often crept back into the room on pretence of having letters to write or something to finish, just to watch him. After a little he would forget that I was there, and I have often seen him suddenly throw himself back in his chair, lift up his hands, and exclaim, ‘Good God, good God! how marvellous are Thy works.’ One Sunday morning I said to him that it had been given to him to show forth much of God’s great and marvellous works, and he answered, ‘Yes, and I have found them to be great and marvellous; and I have felt them to be His.’”

Thy thoughts are very deep.

The depth of God’s thoughts

I. Out of those thoughts have come all that ever have been, and that are gone. Who can tell the number of worlds, with all their productions, populations, institutions, that have been and that are no more? They were all once in the thoughts of God.

II. Out of those thoughts have come all that are and will be. How vast is this universe! Who can tell the number of worlds and systems, and the myriad creatures of varied species, sentient and insentient, rational and irrational, that belong to them? They all came out of the depths of God’s thoughts; the archetypes and germs were all there as in immeasurable seas. Who shall tell what worlds and beings are yet to come? Generations of creatures in all planets may succeed each other as waves that break upon the shore. But all the worlds, systems, and existences that are ever to come, are in the thoughts of God. How “deep,” then, are God’s thoughts! (Homilist.)

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