He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity.

Retribution on the enemies of the Church

Observe here--

1. That this acclamation, “It any man have an ear, let him hear,” is added in Scripture when something required s spiritual understanding to discern the meaning. Let him consider what is here revealed concerning this beast, and take heed that he be not found amongst the number of the worshippers of it.

2. The consolation here given to the saints from the consideration of God’s just retribution to His and their enemies, “He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity,” that is, the beast who has brought many of the saints into captivity shall himself at length be taken captive (Revelation 19:20). With what measure antichrist metes to others it shall be measured to him again; God has as many ways to hurt His Church’s enemies as they have to hurt His people.

3. The end and design of God in suffering antichrist’s rage to break forth against the Church; it is for the trial of the Church’s faith and patience. Note--

(1) That none can stand under or bear up under sufferings like saints.

(2) That under great sufferings saints themselves will have great occasion for the exercise of faith and patience.

(3) That the faith and patience of the saints will be made very conspicuous by great and sharp sufferings.

(4) That faith and patience must accompany each other in suffering times. Patience is the soul’s shoulder to hear what is afflictive at present: faith is the Christian’s eye to discover a glorious deliverance to come; where no patience is it is a token of no faith; and where no faith is there will appear great impatience. Behold, then, the faith and patience of the saints. (W. Burkitt, M. A.)

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