That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.

Ver. 3. Declare we unto you] That (Theophilus-like) ye may be at a certainty, fully persuaded,Luke 1:1, having a plerophory or "full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgment of the mystery of Christ," Colossians 2:2. See Trapp on " Col 2:2 "

And truly our fellowship] If any should object, Is that such a preferment to have fellowship with you? What are you? &c. He answereth, As mean as we are, we have "fellowship with the Father and Son." Union being the ground of communion, all that is theirs is ours. This made Moses cry out, "Happy art thou, O Israel!" or, "Oh the happiness of thee, O Israel!" the heaped up happiness. "Who is like unto these" Deuteronomy 33:29. The saints, how mean soever, are (in true account) the world's paragons, the only earthly angels, because in "fellowship with the Father and the Son," that is, with the Father by the Son.

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