And Lot went out at the door unto them, and shut the door after him,

Ver. 6. Lot went out.] So he exposed himself, to save his strangers, hoping to save them from that abominable violence. The right of strangers is so holy, that there was scarce ever any nation so barbarous that would violate the same. When Stephen Gardiner had in his power the renowned clerk Peter Martyr, then teaching at Oxford, he would not keep him to punish him; but when he should go his way, as it is reported, gave him wherewith to bear his charges. But these Sodomites had not so much humanity left in them. They had put off the man, and were become dogs and worse. Deu 23:18 Am I a dog? saith Abner; 2Sa 3:8 that is, so given as dogs be to lust. Lot was the world's miracle, who kept himself fresh in Sodom's salt waters.

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