His branches shall spread, and his beauty shall be as the olive tree, and his smell as Lebanon.

Ver. 6. His branches shall spread] Heb. shall walk, or expatiate; shall reach out, and stretch themselves all abroad: so shall the Church be propagated all the earth over; she shall flourish as the palm tree, which though it have many weights hung on the top, and many snakes hissing at the root, yet it still saith, Nec premor, nec perimor, I am insuperable: "I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever," Psalms 52:8 .

And his beauty shall be as the olive tree] That goodly tree, Leviticus 23:40, that retaineth her greenness in the depth of winter; yea, in that universal deluge, Noah's dove met with an olive leaf. "The Lord hath called thy name," saith the prophet to the Church, Jeremiah 11:16, "a green olive tree, fair, and of goodly fruit." The cypress is fair, but not fruitful; the fig tree fruitful, but not fair and flourishing. But the olive tree is both fair and fruitful; her fruit also is of singular use to mankind, both for food and medicine and light for the lamp, Exodus 29:20 Leviticus 6:15,16. In one respect it is an emblem of peace, it maketh the face shine, Psalms 104:15; and in the other, it is an emblem of grace and spiritual gifts, 1 John 2:20, of increasing with the increase of God, by the Spirit, and of reigning with him in eternal glory.

And his smell as Lebanon] Whereby is meant the sweet savour of the gospel, which spreadeth itself abroad in the ministry of the word, and in the lives of believers, 2 Corinthians 2:14,15, who besides their continual offering up to God spiritual incense and services in prayers, thanksgivings, alms, and good works, they perfume the very air they breathe upon by their gracious and savoury communication, Ephesians 4:29; yea, the very company they come into: as a man cannot come where sweet spices and odours are beaten to the smell but he shall carry away the scent thereof in his clothes. When the Spirit of Christ blows upon them, and grace is poured into their hearts, then their lips drop sweet-smelling myrrh, Song of Solomon 5:13; Song of Solomon 4:16, then also their "good name is better than a precious ointment," Ecclesiastes 7:1; see the note there; when the wicked stink alive and dead, Nihil nisi foetidum et foedum exhalavit (Rivet.).

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