Howl ye; for the day of the LORD [is] at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty.

Ver. 6. Howl ye.] "For the evils that are coming upon you" (as in Jam 5:1). We may well say the same to mystical Babylon.

For the day of the Lord is at hand.] And yet it came not till over two hundred years after. Think the same of the day of judgment, and reckon that a thousand years with God is but as one day.

It shall come as a destruction from the Almighty.] Heb., Cleshod Mishaddai, an elegance that cannot be translated. Shaddai (God's name) signifieth a conqueror, say some; a destroyer, say others, which a conqueror must needs be, - Eundem victorem et vastatorem esse oportet. Here is threatened a devastation from the devastator.

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