Nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves: for the workman is worthy of his meat.

Ver. 10. Neither two coats] This may be a burden to you.

Neither shoes] But sandals, a lighter kind of wearing.

Nor yet staves] Either for offence or defence; a dog shall not wag his tongue at you: or not a staff that may cumber you. But take a staff (as St Mark, Mark 6:8,9, hath it), sc. that may ease and relieve you in your hard toil and travel. A staff they might have to speak them the travellers, not soldiers; one to walk with, not to war with; a wand, not a weapon.

The workman is worthy of his meat] "Of his wages," saith St Mark; of both as labourers in God's harvest; of double honour, saith St Paul, both countenance and maintenance.

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