Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.

Ver. 16. Went away into Galilee] They had seen him twice or thrice before at Jerusalem; yet took a long journey here into Galilee to see him again. "Whom having not seen ye love," 1 Peter 1:8. Austin's wish was to see Christum in carne, Christ in the flesh. But if we had known Christ after the flesh, yet, saith St Paul, "henceforth should we know him so no more,"2 Corinthians 5:16, since the comfortable presence of his Spirit is better than his corporal presence, and more to our benefit, John 16:7. By this it is, that "though now we see him not, yet believing, we rejoice with unspeakable and glorious joy," 1 Peter 1:8, and must not think much of a journey, yea, though it be not to a mountain in Galilee, but to the heavenly hills, from whence comes our help, to see the King in his beauty, Christum regem videre in decore suo, which was Bede's wish. Isaiah 33:17 .

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