In all labour there is profit: but the talk of the lips [tendeth] only to penury.

Ver. 23. In all labour there is profit.] In all honest labour, for there are those who "do wickedly with both hands earnestly"; and "what profit have such of all their labour?" Ecc 1:3 Do they not take pains to go to hell? There are also that labour about ματαιοτεκνηματα, toilsome toys that pay not for the pains - that do magno conatu magnas nugas agere. Such a one was Paleottus, Archbishop of Bonony, who made a great book of the shadow of Christ's body in a sindon; and it was commented upon by the professor there. This Aristotle calls ‘laborious loss of time.' a The apostle calls upon men to "labour, working with their hands the thing that is good"; so shall "they have," not for their own uses only, but also "to give to him that needeth." Eph 4:28

But the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury.] Great talkers are do-littles, for the most part. Corniculas citius in Africa, quam res rationesque solidus in Turriani scriptis invenies, saith one; - Turrian was a very wordy man; ye cannot find matter, for words, in him; - λογους μεν Eρμοδωρος εμπορευεται. The Athenians fought against Philip with words and messages, saith one; but Rabshekah could tell Hezekiah that war was to be made - so is work to be done - not with words and the talk of the lips, but with counsel and strength. Isa 36:5 And "why stand you looking upon one another? Get you down to Egypt," said Jacob to his sons. Gen 42:1

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