And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God.

Ver. 1. And I saw another sign] Distinct from the former, and describing the utter overthrow of Antichrist in this and the following Chapter s.

Great and marvellous] A just wonder it was indeed, the miracle that we in these last times are to look for, that the kingdom of Antichrist should be so easily and suddenly overturned by the preaching of the gospel, as once the walls of Jericho were by the blowing of rams' horns.

Seven angels] i.e. Certain chieftains of the reformed Churches.

Having the seven last plagues] Being the several parts of the seventh trumpet, and said to be the last that shall in this life be inflicted; though far worse follow in hell, whereof all these are but typical. Here the leaves only (as it were) fall upon reprobates, but hereafter the whole trees. Here they pay but the interest only, but there the whole principal.

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