And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.

Ver. 6. Then is it no more of works] Whatsoever conferrumination a of grace and works Papists dream of. They think that as he that standeth on two firm branches of a tree is surer than he that standeth upon one only; so he that trusteth to Christ and works too is in the safest condition. But, 1. They are fallen from Christ that trust to works, Galatians 5:4; Galatians 2:1,21. He that hath one foot on a firm branch, and another on a rotten one, stands not so sure as if he stood wholly on that which is sound. But let them be Moses' disciples, let us be Christ's. Set not up a candle to this Sun of righteousness; mix not thy puddle with his purple blood, thy rags with his raiment, thy pigeon's plumes with his eagle's feathers. He can and will save his to the utmost,Hebrews 7:25. Detest all mock stays; and account accursed for ever that blasphemous direction of the Papists to dying people, Coniunge, Domine, obsequium meum cum omnibus quae Christus passus est pro me: Join, Lord, mine obedience with all that Christ hath suffered for me.

a Soldering together; fig. intimate union or combination. ŒD

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