We have a little sister, and she hath no breasts: what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for?

Ver. 8. We have a little sister.] Thou, Lord, and I have such a sister - sc., the Church of the Gentiles, known to thee, and afore appointed to conversion, as James speaketh in that first Christian council, Act 15:18 from the beginning of the world; unknown to me - more than by hearsay from the holy prophets, who "prophesied of the grace that should come" 1Pe 1:10 unto her - but not unloved or undesired. Now, therefore, as a fruit of my true love unto thee, such as no floods of troubles can quench or drench, no earthly commodity can compass or buy off, I desire not only to deliberate with thee about the enlargement of thy kingdom, by the accession of the elect Gentiles thereunto, but also by making, as I may say, large and liberal offers, set forth my care and study for their eternal salvation. See the like affection in St Paul toward his countrymen the Jews, proceeding from that full assurance that he found in himself. Romans 8:38,39 ; Rom 9:1 And learn we to pray as earnestly for their conversion as they have done for ours; longing after them from the very heart rooted in Jesus Christ, as Php 1:8 and turning to the Lord, that they may sooner find compassion. It is Hezekiah's reason, and a very remarkable one 2Ch 30:9

And she hath no breasts,] i.e., She is not yet Nubilis apta viro, marriageable and fit for Christ, to be presented as a chaste virgin unto him; she wanted such paranymphs as Paul was to do it for her. 2Co 11:2 She had not an established ministry to nurse up her children with it. And at this same pass was the old Church at first, not only small, but unshapen. Eze 16:7-8 A society of men without the preaching of the Word is like a mother of children without breasts. All the Church's children must "suck and be satisfied"; Isa 66:11 they must desire the sincere milk of the Word and grow thereby, 1Pe 2:2 not like the changeling Luther speaks of, ever sucking, never battling. Such shall be made to know that their mother hath verbera as well as ubera - rods as well as dugs. Their father will also repent him, as once David did of his kindness to Nabal, and take up his old complaint, Isaiah 1:2, "I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. The ox knoweth his owner," &c., the most savage creatures will be at the beck and check of those that feed them; disobedience, therefore (under means of grace especially), is against the principles of nature. It is to be "like the horse and mule," yea, like the young mule, which hath no sooner done sucking her dam's teats, but she turns up her heels and kicks her.

What shall we do for our sister.] Love is not more cogitative than operative, and delights to be doing for the beloved. "I love the Lord," &c., "What shall I render unto him? I will pay my vows," &c. Psa 116:14 Jonathan will disrobe and strip himself even to his sword and belt for David, because he "loved him as his own soul." 1Sa 18:3-4 Shechem will do all that can be done for his beloved Dinah. The Macedonians will over do it for their poor brethren; Paul's love to the Jews was like the ivy, which if it cleave to a stone or an old wall, will rather die than forsake it. Rom 9:3 He tells his Hebrews of their labour of love. Heb 6:10 All love is laborious.

In the day when she shall be spoken for.] Or, Wherein speech shall be had concerning her, viz., for a husband for her; how we may best prefer her in marriage. The care of disposing young people to fit yoke fellows, lay upon their parents and other kindred, The Church, as an elder sister, shows herself solicitous, and propounds the matter to Christ, as the only best husband for her, the partition wall being broken down.

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