1 Kings 17:1

Elijah — The most eminent of the prophets, who is here brought in, like Melchisedek, without any mention of his father, or mother, or beginning of his days; like a man dropt out of the clouds, and raised by God's special providence as a witness for himself in this most degenerate time that by his ze... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 17:3

Hide thyself — Thus God rescues him from the fury of Ahab and Jezebel, who, he knew, would seek to destroy him. That Ahab did not seize on him immediately upon these words must be ascribed to God's over — ruling providence.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 17:4

Have commanded — Or, I shall command, that is, effectually move them, by instincts which shall be as forcible with them, as a law or command is to men. God is said to command both brute creatures, and senseless things; when he causeth them to do the things which he intends to effect by them. The rav... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 17:6

And flesh — Not raw, but boiled by the ministry of some angel or man, and left in some place 'till the ravens came for it: in all which, there is nothing incredible, considering the power and providence of God.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 17:7

A while — Heb. at the end of days; that is, of a year; for so the word days is often used. Dried — God so ordering it, for the punishment of those Israelites who lived near it, and had hitherto been refreshed by it: and for the exercise of Elijah's faith, and to teach him to depend upon God alone.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 17:9

Zarephath — A city between Tyre and Sidon, called Sarepta by St. Luke 4:26, and others. Zidon — To the jurisdiction of that city, which was inhabited by Gentiles. And God's providing for his prophet, first, by an unclean bird, and then by a Gentile, whom the Jews esteemed unclean, was a presage of t... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 17:12

She said — Therefore though she was a Gentile, yet she owned the God of Israel as the true God. Two sticks — A few sticks, that number being often used indefinitely for any small number. And die — For having no more provision, we must needs perish with hunger. For though the famine was chiefly in th... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 17:13

But make, &c. — This he requires as a trial of her faith, and obedience, which he knew God would plentifully reward; and so this would be a great example to encourage others to the practice of the same graces.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 17:15

Many days — A long time, even above two years, before the following event about her son happened. And surely the increase of her faith to such a degree, as to enable her thus to deny herself and trust the promise, was as great a miracle in the kingdom of grace, as the increase of her oil in the king... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 17:16

Wasted not — See how the reward answered the service. She made one cake for the prophet and was repaid with many for herself and her son. What is laid out in charity is set out to the best interest, an upon the best securities.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 17:17

No breath — That is, he died. We must not think it strange, if we meet with sharp afflictions, even when we are in the way of eminent service to God.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 17:18

She said — Wherein have I injured thee? Or, why didst thou come to sojourn in my house, if this be the fruit of it? They are the words of a troubled mind. Art thou come — Didst thou come for this end, that thou mightest severely observe my sins, and by thy prayers bring down God's just judgment upon... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 17:19

Into a loft — A private place, where he might more freely pour out his soul to God, and use such gestures as he thought most proper.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 17:20

He cried — A prayer full of powerful arguments. Thou art the Lord, that canst revive the child: and my God; and therefore wilt not, deny me. She is a widow, add not affliction to the afflicted; deprive her not of the support and staff of her age: she hath given me kind entertainment: let her not far... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 17:21

Come into him — By which it is evident, that the soul was gone out of his body, this was a great request; but Elijah was encouraged to make it; by his zeal for God's honour, and by the experience which he had of his prevailing power with God in prayer.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 17:22

Into him again — This plainly supposes the existence of the soul in a state of separation, and consequently its immortality: probably God might design by this miracle to give an evidence hereof, for the encouragement of his suffering people.... [ Continue Reading ]

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