Ezekiel 17:2

A riddle — A dark saying. The house of Israel — The remainders of the house of Israel, whether of the ten, or of the two tribes.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 17:3

A great eagle — Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon is compared to a great eagle, the king of birds, swift, strong, rapacious. Great wings — Mighty provinces on each side of his kingdom. Long winged — His kingdom was widely extended. Full of feathers — And full of people. Divers colours — Who were of div... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 17:4

The top — Both the king of Judah, now eighteen years old, and the nobles and chief of the land. Into a land — Babylon, which was a city of mighty trade.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 17:5

The seed — Mattaniah, whom he called Zedekiah. Planted — Settled him on the throne of Judah. As a willow — The prophet compares this new made king to a willow, which grows no where so well as near great waters.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 17:6

Of low stature — They grew and flourish, while they owned their state tributary to Babylon. Toward him — Nebuchadnezzar as their protector, and sovereign lord. The roots — All the firmness, fruitfulness, and life of this state, was in subjection to him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 17:7

Another — The king of Egypt. This vine — Zedekiah, his nobles and people. Did bend — Sought his friendship. Shot forth — Sent ambassadors, and trusted to the power of Egypt. Water it — That they might add to their greatness, as trees grow by seasonable watering them. By the furrows — Alluding to the... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 17:9

Say — Tell them what will be the issue of all this, and tell it to them in my name. It prosper — Shall Zedekiah and his people thrive by this? Pull up — Utterly overthrow this kingdom. Cut Off — Put to the sword the children of Zedekiah, and of the nobles. The leaves — All the promising hope they ha... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 17:10

Yea — Suppose this vine were planted by the help of Egypt. The east wind — When the king of Babylon, who like the blasting wind comes from the north — east, shall but touch it, it shall wither. In the furrows — Even amidst its greatest helps, to make it flourish.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 17:22

The highest branch — Of the royal seed; of the highest branch that is heir to the throne; namely, the Messiah. An high mountain — Upon mount Zion. Eminent — Not for outward splendor, but for spiritual advantages.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 17:24

The trees — The great ones on earth. The high tree — The kingdom of Babylon, which was brought low indeed, when overthrown by Darius and Cyrus.... [ Continue Reading ]

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