Ezekiel 29:3

The great dragon — The crocodile; our prophet, as well as Isaiah, compares the Egyptian king to that devouring serpent, or dragon. That lieth — Not only at rest, but waiting for prey. My river — My kingdom, power, riches, and forces, all the strength and glory of Egypt.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:5

Leave thee — When thus brought out, I will leave thee. The wilderness — The deserts of Libya and Syene. All the fish — The whole army of the Egyptians. The open fields — There was this king and his army ruined. Gathered — These were not buried, but left in the wilderness, a prey to wild beasts, and... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:11

Forty years — These forty years began about the thirtieth year of Jeconiah's captivity, and end with the seventieth year of the captivity, which was the first of Cyrus.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:14

Pathros — The southern part of Egypt, in which was the famous city Thebae, known for its hundred gates. Their habitation — The ancient habitation of their fathers. A base — A low, tributary, dependent kingdom.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:15

No more rule — Though in the times of the Ptolemeys, it was considerable, yet then, even then it did not rule the nations about her.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:16

Which — Which sinful reliance on the arm of flesh provoked God to call to mind their other iniquities. When — When they forgot God, and respected Egypt. They — The house of Israel.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:18

Caused — The army, and commanders were weary of the siege, but the immovable resolution of the king kept them on. A great service — It was service to the justice of God. It was great service both for hardness of work, heaviness of burdens, and length of the siege, thirteen years together. Made bald... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:19

Her multitude — Common people, who shall be made captives, and servants or slaves. Her prey — What she had before taken from others. The wages — God will be behind — hand with none, who do any service for him; one way or other he will recompence them. None shall kindle a fire at his altar for nought... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 29:21

The horn — Jehoiakim, who was then advanced by Evil — Merodach. The opening of the mouth — Thou shalt have liberty, to open thy mouth in comforting the good among them, and to give praise to God.... [ Continue Reading ]

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