Ezra 10:1

There assembled — The account of his grief, and publick expressions thereof in the court before the temple, being in an instant dispersed over all the city, brought a great company together. See what an happy influence the example of great ones may have upon their inferiors!... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 10:2

We — He saith, we, in the name of the people, and their several families, and his own amongst the rest. For this man's name is not in the following catalogue, but there we have his father, Jehiel, and his father's brethren, five other sons of his grandfather, Elam, Ezra 10:26. It was therefore an ev... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 10:3

Such as are born — These children were only cast out of the common — wealth of Israel, but were not utterly forsaken; probably care was taken by authority, that they should have provision made for them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 10:6

Went — That with the princes and elders, he might consult about the execution of their resolution. Thither — 'Till he saw something done.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 10:9

Of Judah — Not only of these two tribes, as appears from the following catalogue, where there are priests and Levites; but all the Israelites, Ezra 10:25, who are thus described, because the greatest part of them were of these tribes, though others were mixed with them: and because they all now dwel... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 10:14

Our rulers — Let the great council, called the Sanhedrim, be settled, and meet to determine of all particular causes. Judges — Who are best able to inform the great council of the quality of the persons, and all matters of fact and circumstances. Until — Until the thing be done, and God's wrath ther... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 10:15

Employed — To take care that the business should be executed in the manner proposed, that the officers and delinquents of every city should come successively in convenient time and order, as these should appoint, to keep an exact account of the whole transaction, and of the names of the cities and p... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 10:44

Had children — This implies that most of their wives were barren. Which came to pass by God's special providence, to manifest his displeasure against such matches, and that the putting them away might not be encumbered with too many difficulties. One would think this grievance altogether removed. Ye... [ Continue Reading ]

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