Cornelius, a good moral man Acts 10:1-8: In Acts chapter ten we meet a man named Cornelius, who was a captain of a group of soldiers called "The Italian Band." He lived in Caesarea. Cornelius was Roman by race and a soldier by profession. He was a devout man that feared God with his entire house. Even though Cornelius was very religious he was unsaved. (Acts 11:14)

At about the ninth hour of the day Cornelius saw an angel of God. The angel told him his prayers and alms have come up for a memorial before God. The angel instructed him to send for Peter. Peter was lodging with Simon the tanner in Joppa. Cornelius sent two of his servants and a devout soldier to Joppa to seek for Peter. The Lord brought Peter and Cornelius together so Cornelius could learn the truth.

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