Prepare to meet thy God -- Amos 4:12-13: One of the most sobering statements in the Bible is "Prepare to meet thy God." After continual rejection God told Israel to "Get ready to face your God!" This is said in view of the judgment that God would soon bring on the 10-tribe kingdom of Israel. The children or Israel would meet God or encounter Him as He brought the Assyrians against them. Israel should prepare to fight it out with the Creator whom they had made to be their enemy. They had continually revolted against His law and now they must face the consequences.

The LORD, the God of hosts. He is the LORD God All-Powerful! He is the God of all creation. It was Jehovah that formed the mountains and created the wind. God is the absolute sovereign over man. He has declared to man His thoughts. In this case man rebelled and would not listen. God has power over nature as He made in the beginning and still makes today both darkness and light. He treads upon the high places of the earth or He rules above all. "The LORD, The God of hosts, is his name."

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