The book of James closes with a look at several practical teachings. James pictures the danger of God's judgments upon the extravagant rich. Their pride, cruelty, undisciplined living and cheating of their fellow men would result in the condemnation of Jehovah.

Many of God's faithful followers were being oppressed. They were taught to "be patient, for the Lord's coming is nigh." Patient carries the idea of being long-spirited, or forbearing. These brethren were taught to patiently endure these difficulties. Christians were not to murmur, or groan over the situation, because God would settle all accounts at Judgment.

The prophets and Job should provide brethren with encouragement concerning the value of patience under trials and sufferings. They are a wonderful pattern of hopeful endurance. Their patient continuance or waiting on God is the exact kind of persistence needed by every Christian.

James closed the chapter with one final look at proper and improper uses of the tongue. The tongue of a Christian should not be used to swear. Oats should not be necessary in order to cause a Christian to tell the truth. The Christian's tongue should also be used for prayer and asking for forgiveness. Christians are instructed to acknowledge their faults one to another, and to pray one for another.

The final word from James is "do what we can to bring back those that have strayed from the way of truth." It is a blessing both to the one doing the converting and to the one being converted when an erring soul is restored to Christ.

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