Who Is My Neighbor? Luke Ten

Luke gave us a record of Jesus selecting seventy men and sending them forth to preach. They were sent two and two into every city with God's message. We are challenged to become more deeply involved in God's work because, "The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few." Jesus knew they would be received by some and rejected by other. He said to them, "He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me; and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me." Jesus pronounced woes on Chorazin and Bethsaida for rejecting the messengers of the Lord. The seventy were able to do great thing for God. Even the devils were subject unto them in the name of Jesus. Jesus said, "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven." Through the work of Jesus the work of Satan can be destroyed. These men were taught not to rejoice in the power that had been given to them, but rather they were to rejoice in the hope of salvation.

The parable of the Good Samaritan is given only by Luke. A lawyer asked Jesus "What shall I do to inherit eternal life?" He was told that he must love God supremely and love his neighbor as himself. Willing to justify himself the lawyer ask "Who is my neighbour?" Jesus answered this question with the parable of the Good Samaritans. The priest and Levite both disregarded the law of God and the concern that they should have for others. The Samaritan was compassionate and he was neighbor to the man in need. We too must be neighbors to all who need help.

Jesus went to Bethany, the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Mary sat at the Lord's feet and heard His word. Martha was busy serving. She was upset that Mary left her to do all the service. Martha was agitated over earthly things. Mary chose that good part that would not be taken away from her. Let us focus on those things that would be most pleasing to God.

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