Where Is The King?

Matthew Two

Wise men will always seek Jesus. Matthew chapter two gives us a look at the wise men that came seeking Jesus and the wicked act of a godless king that broke the hearts of many families. The wise men sought a king but they found a child who had been born in a stable. But remember this child was Emmanuel “God with us.”

Matthew tells us of the visit of the wise men (two or more men) that came some time after the birth of Jesus. Luke records the account of how the shepherds heard the good news concerning the Savior on the night of His birth. There are many similarities between Jesus and Old Testament events. A couple of examples are, (1) The Jews went to Egypt to preserve life and then returned; Jesus did the same, and (2) Pharaoh was killing babies when Moses was born but he was spared. Herod killed the babies when Jesus was born; but He was spared. God's Messiah was born and now salvation is a reality!

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