Matthew 7 - Introduction

A LOOK AT THE AUTHORITY OF JESUS MATTHEW SEVEN Matthew chapter seven is the final part of scripture in that section known as the Sermon on the Mount. This section shows the authority of Jesus as He spoke on such themes as judging, praying, the one way to heaven, being known by your fruit, obedience... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 7:1-6

_JESUS SPOKE WITH AUTHORITY ABOUT JUDGING MATTHEW 7:1-6_ : A spirit of pride and conceit causes people to judge others harshly. The judgment shown to be wrong in this text is the opposite of the mercy which is shown to be right by God. It is not ours to judge the hearts or the intentions of another!... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 7:7-12

_JESUS SPOKE WITH AUTHORITY ABOUT PRAYING MATTHEW 7:7-12_ : Prayer is pictured in different ways in the Bible. In Matthew six prayer is pictured as our duty toward God. In Matthew seven prayer is picture as a means whereby our needs are obtained. The lesson taught is simple -- pray, pray, pray! In t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 7:13-20

_JESUS SPOKE WITH AUTHORITY ABOUT BEARING FRUIT MATTHEW 7:13-20:_ There are two ways and two gates. Only one way has eternal appeal. Walking the straight and narrow way requires a new heart and a new life. (2 Corinthians 5:17; Romans 6:4) Though the way is straight and narrow it is our goal because... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 7:21-29

_JESUS SPOKE WITH AUTHORITY ABOUT OBEDIENCE MATTHEW 7:21-29_ : As Jesus concluded the Sermon on the Mount He showed the absolute necessity of obedience. An outward profession without "heart" obedience will not lead to heaven. Jesus spoke of the one "...who does the will of My Father in heaven." (Mat... [ Continue Reading ]

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