Esther 5:1

ON THE THIRD DAY ESTHER PUT ON ROYAL APPAREL. On the third day from the commencement of the fast she attired herself in fitting robes to appear before the king. Whoever appears in. monarch's presence must wear. court dress. Nobody can be presented to Queen Victoria unless she complies with the regu... [ Continue Reading ]

Esther 5:2

THE KING HELD OUT TO ESTHER THE GOLDEN SCEPTRE. His eyes rested upon her soon after she entered the inner court. He was in one of his most gracious moods, and her beauty and perhaps the anxiety depicted in her countenance, moved him. At once he extended the golden sceptre as. signal that she might... [ Continue Reading ]

Esther 5:3

WHAT WILT THOU, QUEEN ESTHER? WHAT IS THY REQUEST? Her attitude and expression were those of. suppliant, and the king knew well that she would not have dared, timid and modest as she was, to have taken so dangerous. liberty, except compelled by some urgent necessity. Had his mood been ungracious it... [ Continue Reading ]

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