Thou shalt not steal.

This not only prohibits what the law calls theft, but much more. Fraudulent bargains, which impose on the ignorant, the credulous, or the necessitous, contracting debts which one is unable to pay, extortion and exorbitant gain, controlling the market by stratagem, and thus obtaining inordinate prices for one's commodities, entering into combinations unduly to raise or depress wages, taking unjust advantage of insolvent laws, extracting usurious interest for money, unnecessary subsistence on charity, evading the duties and taxes imposed by government, or in any way defrauding the public, whether by embezzling its treasuries, or encroaching upon its domain, using false weights and measures, removing landmarks, keeping back the wages of servants and hirelings, withholding restitution for former wrongs, refusing, when able, to pay debts from which we have obtained. legal release--all these are violations of the eighth commandment, and as such failing under the special condemnation of heaven.-- Bush.

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