Now. tell you before it come to pass.

Hitherto the Lord had borne his sorrow alone, but now that the hour was at hand and the traitor would soon be compelled to show his hand, he would declare it to his disciples, before it come to pass, in order that the fulfillment, instead of being. crushing disappointment, might increase their faith.

Believe that. am he.

Rather, "Believe that. am." The reader can hardly have failed to note how frequently the Lord thus speaks of himself. He does not say, "I am he, " the latter pronoun being an interpolation. The "I AM'S " of our Savior associate him with the burning bush of Horeb where, when Moses asked the name he should report to the children of Israel of the God who had appointed him as their leader, he was told to say, "I am that. am hath sent thee." The self-existent, uncreated Deity is revealed in these words and the similar terms used by Christ are an affirmation of absolute existence. He did not, like man, have. dependent being, but said, "I am," "I exist." This exalted claim was demonstrated when he laid down his life of his own will "to take it up again."

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