He went up... into the ship.

John says, "they willingly received him;" and, on account of the wind abating, they came at once to port. Christ's getting in the ship was their salvation. He can both calm the tempest round us, and carry us safe to heaven.

Immediately the ship was at the land.

Unless the word "immediately" has more latitude than is common with us, this implies another miracle.


1. He who could make the grain grow could also multiply the loaves.

2. Our duties and our privileges are not measured by what we can do of ourselves, but by what God is willing to do through us. We cannot turn the machinery of the factory, but we can let the water on to the wheel. We cannot push the steamship across the ocean, but we can let on the steam for the engine to do it.

3. By feeding the hungry bodies of men we often get access to their souls. This has been well illustrated in the famines of India and China.

4. Jesus had bidden the disciples to cross the sea. It ought to have comforted them, to remember that he himself had constrained them to enter into the ship. They were evidently in the path of duty. How, then, could any evil befall them? It is. great comfort to us when we can feel sure that we are doing the will of God; for, whatever trouble may threaten us, we can trust Jesus to bring relief in the storm.

5. We often learn more of faith in one month of darkness and storm, than in years of sunshine. When God would prepare us for higher work, for sweeter peace, for clearer light, he brings them by an increase of faith, and increases our faith by trying our faith.

6. Jesus sometimes leaves us alone, that we may know ourselves and our own weakness, but he never leaves us out of sight.-- Quesnell.

7. There are often "contrary winds," even in the way of duty. We must expect them, and not be discouraged, nor turn out of the way.

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