CHRIST'S WITNESS TO JOHN. -- Matthew 11:2-15.

GOLDEN TEXT. -- He was. burning and. shining light. -- John 5:35. TIME. --A. D. 27. In the second year of Christ's ministry. PLACE. --Jesus in Galilee; John in the prison fortress of Machærus near the Dead Sea. HELPFUL READINGS. -- Luke 7:19-28; Matthew 3:1-17; Mark 6:14-29. LESSON ANALYSIS. --1. John's Messengers; 2. Christ's Message; 3. More than. Prophet.


On the brink of. great precipice, above the steaming hot fountains of Callirrhoe, and facing the Dead Sea, is the lonely fortress of Machærus. Here, in the midst of. scene of most remarkable desolation, John the Baptist was imprisoned until be met his death.-- W. M. Thomson. The great and noble prophet had, indeed, for the moment found. stumbling block to his faith in what he heard about the Christ. And is this unnatural? Is it an indecision which any one who knows anything of the human heart will venture for. moment to condemn? Though all men flocked in multitudes to listen to the fiery preacher of the wilderness, the real effect on the mind of the nation had been neither permanent nor deep. Though his friend and his Savior was living, was at no great distance from him, Was in the full tide of his influence, and was daily working the miracles of love which attested his mission, yet John saw that friend and Savior on earth no more. He seemed to be neglected not only by God above, but by the living Son of God on earth. Among so many words of mercy and tenderness might not some be vouchsafed to him who had uttered that voice in the Wilderness? What wonder if the eye of the caged eagle began to film?-- Farrar.


2. Now when John heard in prison.

John had now been. year in prison, and Josephus states that Machærus, east of the Dead Sea, one of the strong fortresses built by the elder Herod, was the place of his imprisonment. In that case the disciples must have come upward of fifty miles to visit Jesus at Capernaum.-- Kitto.

He sent his disciples.

Two of them according to Luke.

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