The sixteenth chapter presents the series of historical events that lead to the overthrow of spiritual Babylon. Our interpretation of these has been for the most part determined by the facts of history which have already transpired. The sixth vial brings to the present date. Concerning what follows the seventh vial. speak with diffidence, as it is yet future, but of this we can be certain, that it foreshadows the final overthrow of the anti-Christian powers. In Chapter s XVII., XVIII. and XIX., the downfall of these powers, the overthrow of Rome, the triumph of the Word of God, and the victory of Armageddon, are described with greater detail. The limits to which. am confined will only permit me to outline these Chapter s. Chap. 17:1-6 describes spiritual Rome under the figure of. great harlot. The true Church is described throughout Revelation as. pure woman, the Bride of Christ; the false church as. harlot. That this harlot refers to the same wicked power already described as Babylon is evident from the words on her forehead.

This woman sat on. scarlet beast and was clothed in purple and scarlet. Scarlet is the color worn by cardinals and Pope. Purple indicates not only luxury but royal power. The woman was drunk with the blood of the saints, which is true of Rome.

The beast has, throughout indicated the secular power that upheld the church. This was first, old imperial Rome. The beast had seven heads.. have shown that there are seven hills on which Rome sat, and. have indicated (p. 250) that this refers to seven forms of government that Rome had during her existence. There were ten horns. The horn is. symbol of power, and often is used for. kingdom in prophetic language. See Daniel 7:24. This, then, implies ten powers which sprang out of Rome and supported the false church. These are given by Sir Isaac Newton, as follows:

1. Kingdom of the Vandals in Spain and Africa;

2. Kingdom of the Visigoths;

3. Kingdom of the Suevi in Spain;

4. Kingdom of the Alans in France;

5. Kingdom of the Burgundians;

6. Kingdom of the Franks;

7. Kingdom of the Britons;

8. Kingdom of the Huns;

9. Kingdom of the Lombards;

10. Kingdom of Ravenna.

The Roman empire was broken up into these kingdoms, and they were all supporters of the Papacy. These ten kings or kingdoms did not exist in the time of John, but should afterwards receive authority and do the will of the beast (verses 12-15). At. later period still, the ten horns (verse 16) shall hate and desolate the harlot. We have seen this fulfilled in the fact that the kingdoms that have been developed from these have in the last three centuries either become Protestant, or have broken with Roman rule. The historical facts given under the seven vials show how they have waged war on Rome.

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