The threefold office of the Advocate towards those who do not believe, but may yet be won over. And He, when He is come, will convict the world concerning sin, and concerning righteousness, and concerning judgment. ‘Convict’ is better than ‘convince,’ much better than ‘reprove:’ it means forcing a man to condemn himself after a scrutiny in the court of conscience (see on John 3:20). This rendering gives additional point to the rendering ‘Advocate’ for Paraclete. To convince and convict is a large part of the duty of an advocate. He must vindicate and prove the truth; and whoever, after such proof, rejects the truth, does so with responsibility in proportion to the interests involved. Ἁμαρτίας, δικαιοσύνης and κρίσεως, not having the article, are left quite indefinite. The conviction about each may bring either salvation or condemnation, but it must bring one or the other. Comp. Acts 2:37; Acts 4:1-4; Acts 5:33, &c.

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Old Testament