ἦν δὲ ὁ υἱὸς αὐτοῦ ὁ πρεσβύτερος κ.τ.λ. Many have felt a wish that the parable had ended with the moving and exquisite scene called up by the last words; or have regarded the remaining verses as practically a separate parable, Such a judgment—not to speak of its presumption—shews a narrow spirit. We must not forget that the Jews, however guilty, were God’s children no less than the Gentiles, and Pharisees no less than publicans from the moment that Pharisees had learnt that they too had need of repentance. The elder son is still a son, nor are his faults intrinsically more heinous,—though more perilous because more likely to lead to self-deception—than those of the younger. Self-righteousness is sin as well as unrighteousness, and may be even a worse sin, Matthew 21:31-32; but God has provided for both sins a full Sacrifice and a free forgiveness. We could ill spare this warning against the elder-brotherliness of spirit to which modern religionists are no less liable than the Jews and the Pharisees.

συμφωνίας καὶ χορῶν. Literally, “a symphony and choruses.”

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Old Testament