Verse 9. I wrote unto the church.

That is, John wrote a letter to the church of which Gaius was a member. This letter has not come down to us; it is presumably lost.

But Diotrephes.

Here is the first mention of this man; nowhere else is he mentioned on the sacred pages. The same character he seems to have exhibited is frequently met with in others, even in our own day.

Who loveth to have the pre-eminence.

Diotrephes assumed to be a leader. He was ambitious of prominence; he attempted to lord it over God's heritage he, as far as in his power lay, controlled. He was enabled to assume the exercise of this authority by virtue of being a church official. Men assuming dictatorial powers are generally unscrupulous.

Receiveth us not.

This man Diotrephes refused to be governed by the suggestions contained in John's letter, which, probably, among other things, suggested hospitality and aid to those journeying in the cause of the gospel. Against this, Diotrephes rebelled.

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Old Testament